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Trumps biomass policy

In 2007 the USA Federal Government passed the US Renewable Fuel Standard which required ethanol blending with domestic oil in large quantities with frequent increases in amounts of ethanol being used.  The bill was passed to reduce the USA carbon footprint and increase the amount of renewable biofuel being used in the USA. Under the Trump administrations, they have been far less supportive of the biomass blending mandate, granting biofuel waivers to major industry players and allowing the trading of biomass credits to develop. Despite the less than active support for biofuel domestically Trump has been pushing his trade negotiators to get big concessions from his Chinese counterparts by asking them to lower their tariffs on biomass in particular biofuel. China's ethanol demand is expected to grow nearly sevenfold as the country prepares to introduce E10 fuel throughout the country next year. E10 fuel is a fuel using 10% ethanol and 90% petrol. U.S. trade negotiato...
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Industrial wood pellets are trading at an all-time high.

EcoCrops International reports that Industrial wood pellets, as opposed to domestic wood pellets, are currently trading at an all-time high.  With the Argus 90 day Industrial wood pellet index trading at US$210 per tonne, up strongly from July 2018 where they were trading at US$175. The steep increase in prices is primarily driven by higher demand from European Power Stations.  Such as new power station coming online in the Netherland, Belgium, and Italy.  And existing Power stations such as the huge UK Drax power station burning more wood pellets and burning less coal. This trend is set to increase due to a number of factors: The EU climate change targets for reducing its greenhouse emissions, transforming the EU carbon-based fuel (coal) police towards a low carbon economy by 2050.  With targets for the reductions of greenhouse emissions is set for 2020 and 2030. Germany’s plant to phase out all coal power stations by 2038.  And the increased effici...

China preparing solar farms in Space

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Drax profits rise due to greater use of wood pellets.

Due to greater use of renewable power ( wood pellets ) Drax Group Plc recorded a 9% rise in full-year earnings. The company reported a profit of £13.8 million for the full year to December 31, 2018. Compared to a pre-tax loss of £204 million for the previous year. Operating the UK’s largest power station in North Yorkshire it generated revenues of £4.23 billion in the period as opposed to £3.86 billion in 2017. Drax was previously powered by coal but they converted four of its six coal-fired plants to use biomass wood pellets.  With wood pellets making up 75% of the company’s feedstock, energy in 2018 up by 65% from the previous year. Will Gardiner, CEO of Drax Group, said: “Drax is now one of the leading generators of flexible, low carbon and renewable electricity in the UK. “As the grid decarbonizes, our ability to support intermittent renewables will become increasingly important as we strive to deliver our purpose of enabling a zero carbon, lower cost energy future.” ...

British Power Generator Drax creates world first Carbon Capture on its wood pellet power plant

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Ecocrops International reports that Shell intends to double it’s green energy investment.

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